Let’s celebrate the milestones of Daljit Singh Dhillon (100) and Harchand Singh Dhaliwal (90)!
By Zile Singh
The month of September 2023 remained a wonderful, joyous, and inspirational month for the Sunset Indo-Canadian Seniors’ Society, Vancouver. There goes a saying about the month of September, “September blows soft, till the fruits in the loft.” This is the time to gather up the harvest and prepare for the winter months. There is something for everyone: the last days of Summer and the first days of Fall.
September 5th was celebrated as the 100th Birthday of Mr. Daljit Singh Dhillon. Daljit is a living embodiment of Mark Twain’s saying – “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.” He is from the village Pandori Ladha Singh (Jalandhar). Daljit’s grandfather Naranjan Singh came to Canada in 1906. He worked for Canada Railways as Foreman. His father Gurdev Singh came here in 1931. Naranjan and Gurdev put their heart and soul in Gaddari Lahar. They wrote many patriotic poems. Daljit and his younger brother Manjit recite those poems in the Society’s weekly programs. Dajit joined his father in 1951. His two brothers, Manjit and Jagjit Singh had already arrived in 1948. Daljit got married to Pritam Kaur in 1955. He has a son and a daughter. His son lives in Toronto and the daughter lives in Vancouver. Daljit worked in Lumber industry. The Dhillon family is related to former Federal Minister Hon’ble Ujjal Dosanjh through his sister-in-law Bibi Harjit Kaur. At age one hundred, Daljit’s voice is as forceful as that of a young army officer. Once he told me that he does all his personal work himself. He is a good cook. He hosted a dinner party for his well-wishers on September 10 at Fraser View Banquet Hall, Vancouver. As a Centenarian, Daljit was felicitated by Hon’ble Prime Minister Justine Trudeau, Minister Harjit Sajjan, MLAs George Chau and Michael Lee.

Mr. Harchand Singh Dhaliwal turned ninety on 27th September 2023. He lost his vision at the age of 43. He fulfills Elie Wiesel’s quote, “Even in darkness it is possible to create light.” His father, Mr. Dharam Singh left his native village Deegrian (Jalandhar) in 1906. Via the USSR (now Russia) and the United States, he reached Canada in 1908. Young Harchand joined his father in 1954 in Vancouver. He left behind his wife Tej Kaur and a two-year old son Harbans Dhaliwal. Harbans and his mother joined his father Harchand in 1958. Harchand worked in Lumber industry. Hon’ble Herb (Harbans) Dhaliwal has the distinction of being the first Indo-Canadian Federal Minister for two terms in Prime Minister Hon’ble Jean Chretien’s Cabinet. Credit goes to Mr. Harchand Dhaliwal and his wife Tej Kaur who brought up their son Herb in such a way that he became a fine feather not only in the community but, in their own cap. Herb will remain a torchbearer for Indo-Canadians in the arena of politics. Herb helps many charities. Though Harchand lost his vision in 1975, he exemplifies the following quote that “Light cannot be understood without the wisdom of darkness.” At age 90, he recognizes hundreds of people by their voice. We do not know how many telephone numbers and Punjabi folklores he has at heart. He attends and addresses the Society’s weekly meetings with a message. Society celebrated his birthday on October 5th. Herb hosted a party in his father’s honor on 13th October at Quilchena Golf and Country Club, Granville Avenue, Richmond.
“In me thou see the twilight of such day.
As after sunset fades in the west.
Which by and by black night doth take away.
Death’s second self that seals up all in rest.”
–William Shakespeare
September coming from the Latin word Septem, meaning seven, was the seventh of the Roman calendar originally. The calendar had 304 days starting from the month of March. Also, the Roman deity of fire relates to this month. Some of the significant Days in the month of September are: International Day of Democracy, International Day of Literacy, World First-Aid Day, International Day of Charity, World Suicide Prevention Day, World Ozone Day, International Day of Peace, World Alzheimer’s Day, International Day of Sign Languages, World Day of the Deaf, World Heart Day, World Tourism Day, World Maritime Day, and Zero Waste Day. Teachers’ Day, Engineer’s Day, Hindi Diwas, and Antyodaya Diwas (in India). Zile Singh is a well respected Columnist, Writer and a Vipassana Meditater. He has a Post-Graduate Diploma in Human Rights. He can be reached at zsnirwal@yahoo.ca