SURREY – Roundtable Conference was organized by Global Hindu Foundation (GHF) in collaboration with the Consul General of India under the theme “Aazaadi ka Amrit Mahotsava” virtually on June 20,2021 in Surrey. There were two speakers-Dr Mahesh K.Upadhyay a distinguished retired professor and associate dean ofUBC, and Chitranjan Vyas a renouned passenger and commercial transit- manager reflected their views on “Education in India” and “Major Milestones on Engineering and Technology of India” respectively. They were distinctly articulate and impressive in their presentations.

 Upadhyay said: 1. In ancient India Vedic and Gurukul education was prevalent in which character building and all- round development of student was emphasized. 2. Nalanda, Takshshia, Vallabhi and Vikramshila were the world -famous centers for high learning from 8th century BCE. 3.During Muslim rule Madarsas (school) were found giving Islamic education 4.British rule introduced the modern education which was formulated by Macaulay’s treacherous policy of undermining the Indian value system, culture,and spirituality.

A.Education’s spending increased 80% between 2011 to 2019. B, Literacy increased from 18.33% to nearly 75% in 2011 C. Free and mandatory elementary education. New education policy of the Federal Government of India aims to provide (a) Access (b) Equality (c) Quality-education (d) Affordability and (e) Accountability F. Product of  theIndian Institute of Technology  are in big demand throughout the world.

Mr. Chitranjan Vyas spoke on the technology-development in Post-Independent India. I TheIndian economy was in dismal state before independence. 1 Growth of agriculture -green revolution and high yielding crops have helped India in becoming the self -sufficient in food. 2. Infra structure Development 3. New-clear Elite 4. Cheapest internet in the world and leaping to digital future 5. Evolution in Federalism- A. Introduction of GST B. Aadhaar biometric identification system C.Fighting corruption and black-money 6.Tejas, Sonar torpedoes, Prihvi, Akash and Agni missiles 7. Space research-Mangal Yaan. India is emerging as one of the largest economies of the world and youngest too.

Achara Dwivedi, as the president of GHF, welcomed the guests and gave brief introduction of the activities of theFoundation. He also introduced the speakers. The speeches were followed by Q&A which was appreciated by participants.  Deepa Sharma the Secretary of GHF gave the closing remark and. thanked all. Engineer Shiv Verma provided the technical support.