A relic with links to the historic Komagata Maru is being sent to the scrap yard. B.C.’s oldest wooden tugboat which was built in 1905 has seen it’s last days. The MV Sea Lion was part of history in 1914 when 376 people from South Asia arrived in English Bay aboard the cargo ship the SS Komagata Maru to challenge Canada’s immigration policies. The Sea Lion carried a complement of 25 immigration officers and 125 police officers armed with rifles in an attempt to board the Komagata Maru, which resulted in violence between the passengers and officers attempting to board. The passengers repelled the boarding attempt by throwing chunks of coal and bricks onto the Sea Lion below, breaking windows aboard the tug and causing a number of injuries among the officers, according to the Vancouver Sun. The Komagata Maru was later escorted out of Canadian waters by the HMCS Rainbow and Sea Lion, reported Nanaimo News Bulletin.