Brock University students are undertaking a study to Understand Body Image in South Asian Pregnant Women 

What Is This Study About?

  • We’re interested in understanding body image experiences in South Asian women who are currently pregnant

Who Can Participate?

  • Women from the South Asian community (i.e., descendants from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Maldives, and Bhutan) 
  • Currently pregnant 
  • Live in Canada
  • Able to read and write English 

What Do You Have To do?

  • Complete a short questionnaire online (10-15 minutes) 
  • Take part in a one-on-one online interview (Time commitment of 1-1.5 hours) 
  • Review interview summary (20 minutes)
  • Total time commitment: 90-120 minutes

Where Does The Study Take Place?

  • Interviews will be completed online using a video-conferencing platform (e.g., Zoom, Lifesize, Skype) according to your preference


  • Participants will be given $20 CAD via e-transfer for their time following the interview

Interested? Contact:

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This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Research Ethics Board at Brock University(File #20-347)