Premier John Horgan decided to call it quits on Tuesday, announcing that he will step down once a new party leader has been chosen which could lead to a heated leadership race that could bring candidates like Mike Farnworth, Selena Robinson and even Ravi Kahlon who has long been mentioned as a potential candidate. Horgan decided to step down following a long battle with cancer which continues to take a toll on him. “I am proud to say I’m cancer free. While I have a lot of energy, I must acknowledge this may not be the case two years from now. Therefore, I have decided not to run again in the next election.”

By R. Paul Dhillon – Editor DESIBUZZCanada 

VICTORIA – Premier John Horgan decided to call it quits on Tuesday, announcing that he will step down once a new party leader has been chosen which could lead to a heated leadership race that could bring candidates like Mike Farnworth, Selena Robinson and even Ravi Kahlon who has long been mentioned as a potential candidate.

Horgan decided to step down following a long battle with cancer which continues to take a toll on him.

“Over the last couple of days, our cabinet has met to seek solutions to the challenges people face in British Columbia,” Horgan said.

“These include the high cost of living and the stresses on primary care. Working to make life better for people is why we are here and that continues to be my focus.

“As we reach the mid-point of our second term, it is clear the tasks ahead of us are enormous and will require a leader focused on the next two years and beyond. A second bout with cancer and dozens of radiation treatments has led me to take stock.

“I am proud to say I’m cancer free. While I have a lot of energy, I must acknowledge this may not be the case two years from now.

“Therefore, I have decided not to run again in the next election.

“Once again, I want to thank the health-care professionals who helped me through this journey. They do incredible work under difficult circumstances.

“I also want to thank the many British Columbians – from every walk of life and from all political persuasions – who offered their best wishes.

“I will stay on as Premier until my successor is chosen. I will continue to do my level best to make politics work for people. This includes pushing the federal government to fund their fair share of health-care costs so we can make our public health-care system work better for everyone.

“I am looking forward to reconnecting with my neighbours as the MLA for Langford-Juan de Fuca.

“Being Premier is not a job I ever expected to have, yet it’s been the honour of my life.

“Premier John Horgan has always worked for everyday British Columbians, putting their needs first. I have been honoured to work with him; hear and share advice and to call him my friend,” said federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh.

“John has shown the difference an NDP government can make for people. Affordable childcare and paid sick leave; making it easier to join a Union and leading the fight for better funding for our health care – these are all evidence of Premier Horgan’s accomplishments. Canadians need more leaders like John Horgan. 

On behalf of all New Democrats, I would like to thank him for his years of dedicated public service. Being an elected official comes with many challenges, but John has always met these hurdles with integrity and courage,” Singh said

“Since he was first elected as an MLA in 2005, John has embodied our BC NDP values of putting people first and working every day to address the real challenges they face. As Leader of the BC NDP, he has assembled an incredibly skilled and diverse team of MLAs who fight to make life better for everyone. And as Premier, he has shown what is possible to accomplish with a government that’s focused on people,” said BC NDP President Aaron Sumexheltza.

“In the coming days, our Provincial Council will meet to ratify the rules and timing for a leadership election, as outlined by our BC NDP Constitution. We will provide an update on that process as soon as possible.

“On a personal note, it has been an honour and a privilege to be elected as the first Indigenous president of a political party under John’s leadership.”

“On behalf of Surrey City Council, I want to thank you for your lengthy record of public service. As Premier, your leadership has been instrumental in guiding the province through the COVID pandemic. It has been an honour and privilege working with you. I will always appreciate your unwavering support on major projects. You have earned a well-deserved rest from the political spotlight. The very best to you and your family,” said Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum.