A bizarre bank robbery in the quiet Vancouver Island town of Saanich that led to two robbers being shot dead and several police officers hurt is being thoroughly investigated. The Vancouver Island Integrated Major Crime Unit (VIIMCU) investigation continues to make progress, saying they are working with the BC Coroner’s Service in order to positively identify the two male suspects.   

By PD Raj – Senior Writer DESIBUZZCanada

VICTORIA – A bizarre bank robbery in the quiet Vancouver Island town of Saanich that led to two robbers being shot dead and several police officers hurt is being thoroughly investigated.

The Vancouver Island Integrated Major Crime Unit (VIIMCU) investigation continues to make progress, saying they are working with the BC Coroner’s Service in order to positively identify the two male suspects.   

Once that is complete our first priority will be to speak to their next of kin and then we will be moving forward on determining more about them, which would include their backgrounds or histories and how that may relate to what took place,” they said in a press release Thursday.

“Numerous witnesses have been interviewed, however we still have many more interviews to conduct. We also continue to canvass the neighbourhood and gather both physical and digital evidence from the scene and surrounding area.  We would like to thank the numerous individuals and businesses who have already met with and worked with investigators – with respect to information and videos.

“A number of firearms have been recovered at the site.  The fulsome assessment and analysis of the firearms used during the exchange with police is underway and we are mindful that while it is important to the VIIMCU investigation – it is also being looked at by the IIO for their concurrent investigation.  Therefore, there is nothing further we can say with respect to the firearms.  However, we can say multiple units or personnel that specialize in dealing with and identifying firearms are involved.”

As the scene was being assessed yesterday a vehicle, we now believe is associated with the suspects, was found to have multiple improvised explosive devices in it.  The RCMP Provincial Explosive Disposal Unit was called in to further assess the devices.  EDU was able to assess them prior to being handled, safely transfer them to a container and then ultimately take them to another site where they were safely destroyed.

It is fair to describe what EDU dealt with as a highly volatile and dangerous situation.  We are not in a position to provide additional specifics at this time.  There is significant work underway to look further at those devices and providing specifics at this time could impact those efforts.

With respect to the suspect vehicle – it is described as a white 1992 Toyota Camry – 4 doors with two black racing stripes over the hood and roof. We are asking anyone who may have any information about this vehicle or its movements in the week prior to Tuesday to please contact VIIMCU – you can reach us at 250-380-6211.

“Earlier today, multiple police officers from the Saanich and Victoria Police Departments responded to an incident in Saanich. Six officers were wounded, with some sustaining serious injuries,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, following the incident Tuesday.

“My thoughts are with the officers, their families, friends and colleagues, and we wish them a speedy recovery.

“Every day, police officers put their lives on the line to protect our communities. Today is a powerful reminder of the crucial role police officers play in keeping our neighbourhoods secure. My government and I deeply appreciate their courage, professionalism and commitment.

“Our thoughts are also with the Saanich and Victoria Police Departments as they grapple with today’s tragic events.

“I want to thank the Saanich and Victoria Police Departments, along with the neighbouring policing agencies in the Greater Victoria region, including the RCMP, Oak Bay Police and Central Saanich Police Departments, for their assistance and support. As always, first responders and volunteers also stepped up quickly to help, and we truly appreciate their dedication.

“This remains an ongoing police incident and an active investigation.”

The VIIMCU investigation will run concurrently to the Independent Investigation Office investigation which is looking at police actions during the events on June 28.

VIIMCU investigators will continue to coordinate with Saanich and Victoria Police as the investigation progresses.

Anyone with video of the attempted bank robbery and subsequent exchange of gun fire is asked to visit the Saanich Police Department evidence portal at https://saanichpd.ca.evidence.com/axon/citizen/public/22-12262.

Anyone who has not yet spoken to police or has any information related to this investigation is asked to call the VIIMCU information line at 250-380-6211.