Thanks to the numerous disastrous moves by Kevin Falcon, the former BC Liberal leader who thought it was wise to change party name to the unrecognizable and terribly branded BC United Party (BCup), former BC Liberal rebel John Rustad chose brilliantly the BC Conservative brand and has ridden, along with another former colleague Bruce Banman who also joined Rustad under the BC Conservative banner, to over 20 percent support province wide in latest polls as BC heads to election next year. 

By R. Paul Dhillon – Editor DESIBUZZCanada

VANCOUVER – Thanks to the numerous disastrous moves by Kevin Falcon, the former BC Liberal leader who thought it was wise to change party name to the unrecognizable and terribly branded BC United Party (BCup), former BC Liberal rebel John Rustad chose brilliantly the BC Conservative brand and has ridden, along with another former colleague Bruce Banman who also joined Rustad under the BC Conservative banner, to over 20 percent support province wide in latest polls as BC heads to election next year. 

According to Abacus Data poll, the B.C. Conservatives pulled into second place with a vote share of 26 per cent, behind the provincial NDP with 44 per cent, with Falcon’s BC United in third with 17 per cent.

Recently, a large number of BC Conservatives gathered to celebrate new candidates and unity among growing party support from the former BC Liberal centre-right base that is quickly abandoning Falcon’s BCup which is in big trouble and could hemorrhage more support leading up to the election, making BC Conservatives the main party running against the incumbent NDP for all the marbles. 

There’s some in the media trying to save Falcon’s skin by saying the BC Conservatives should form a coalition with BC United Party but leader Rustad, who is no friend of Falcon after his unceremonious ouster at Falcon’s hands from his caucus, told DESIBUZZCanada that his party will go the solo road, knowing full well that there could be a mutiny in Falcon’s sinking ship and many MLAs could be headed to BC Conservatives. 

Rustad told a packed house at Simpatico restaurant in Vancouver that he wants his party’s priority to be the citizens of their ridings. 

“I want my candidates and MLAs to stand up for their constituents even if it’s contrary to party as the constituents are more important than the party,” Rustad said to a thunderous applause from the party faithful. 

This is truly a Christmas and holiday season to celebrate for Rustad and his merry brand of growing BC Conservative party base.