WELCOME TO DESIBUZZBC – Canada’s Leading South Asian News Magazine
Founded in 2016 by award-winning journalist and filmmaker R. Paul Dhillon, DESIBUZZBC is a premiere Canadian news-editorial-politics-entertainment magazine. With an ever-growing and expanding readership, the publication is aimed at the Canadian and worldwide diverse South Asian Diaspora and beyond to the mainstream readers as a piece of information and cultural bridge.
DESIBUZZBC was founded with a purpose to serve the next generation of South Asian readers who are looking for in-depth news and views as well as features and entertainment from an experienced team of journalism and media professionals.
DESIBUZZBC team is very serious about their news and you don’t have to look further than their slogan: Hard-Hitting News That Matters.
“Lot of the news in the South Asian media is watered down or stripped to the bone, that’s not DESIBUZZBC . We wanted to create a news magazine that really tells it like it and isn’t afraid to tell the truth even if it means ruffling some feathers as our readers deserve the truth,” explains Paul Dhillon.
DESIBUZZBC is not all serious, they also feature entertaining features on local rising stars from the music, film, community and sports fields as well as a regular Comics Strip and educational and informative opinion and editorial pieces.
The leading news magazine is also part of the new digital era of online news organizations which are creating new ways for businesses to market themselves in the new social media marketing era, providing advertisers to bring their message directly to readers through paid business profiles as well as website Ads and Embedded Ads right into the news posts which reach thousands of readers online, through email and social media distribution of the stories.
Thank You.
R. Paul Dhillon – Editor-Publisher